Saturday, September 28, 2013

Gluten Sensitivity E-Summit

Thanks SO much to Jill of our group for this awesome find! I have registered already. It's an e-summit, where Dr. Tom O'Bryan will interview a ton of people who are experts in the field of gluten sensitivity and then post the interviews online for viewing over a series of several days. TOTALLY COOL. He's got a little video intro at the link below, and the list of interviewees is a veritable powerhouse. Tom O'Bryan was the keynote speaker at the GIG National conference year before last. He's passionate and knowledgeable. Hope you can all catch this!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gluten's effect on the body

Seems like a good little article!
Hope the link lasts:

good resource!

I'm always concerned about posting links, since I'm never sure how long they will work, but this was a communication from the Gluten Intolerance Group (of which I manage the local branch)a month or two ago, with a great resource. I am pasting it below:

Interactive Guide to Gluten-Free Living
GIG is pleased to announce that we have partnered with New Hope and their Delicious Living magazine to bring out the new Interactive Guide to Gluten-Free Living.
This guide has all sorts of great features and is lots of fun to go through even for people who have been on a gluten-free diet for a long time. It contains terrific recipes, kitchen wisdom, health information and shopping tips.
Please be sure to let your members know that they can download their free guide at:

Alessio Fasano in FLORIDA!

Hi All,
This came up at our meeting the other night. There's a think tank in Ocala, and Dr. Alessio Fasano (major contributor to celiac research) will be speaking on Dec. 17!
To be notified of upcoming talks in Ocala please subscribe to the Talk list.
All talks start at 6:00 p.m. with a reception at 5:30 p.m.
Check out

I will NOT be missing this one. I already missed Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly, because I didn't know about this. I'm told the institute has a you tube channel where you can find his lecture. Ah, found it:

If you go to this institute's website, find the lecture series, the link is posted right there.

I'm grateful for the professionals willing to think outside the box, and who are in tune with the potential dangers of wheat to our health, and who are working to advance the field!

More soon, folks.

Surprising things that may contain wheat

Not sure if the link will work forever, but here's an interesting read about wheat.

And, not sure if this link will be live forever either, but it's 10 surprising gluten-containing foods, which I'll summarize below in case the link goes away:

1. licorice -- usually has wheat! Potentially jelly beans too. Perhaps TMI on a public blog, but even as a kid I remember saying licorice gave me gas. Hmmmmm.
2. Flavored chips.... being gluten free means you ALWAYS read labels. I like nacho cheese doritos as a treat, but last I read the label, they had wheat!
3. Worcestershire sauce-- not all. I *think* Lea & Perrins is OK (and as yet another caveat, nothing I say here is intended to serve as medical or dietary advice!) but you must read labels. Some of these brands may use malt vinegar.
4. seasoning mixes. Again, read labels. Many may have wheat (I found some in chili powder once!)
5. Sushi- some imitation crab may have gluten, and while we're at it, soy sauce wasn't on this list, but it often contains wheat! La Choy has been OK, and San J has a yummy line of gluten free Asian sauces, and I recently discovered coconut aminos. Taste just like soy, but just a coconut product!
6. salad dressings-  read labels, and watch for cross contamination issues. Bleu cheese in its purest form is started from wheat, but most commercial stuff, I've read, is started chemically. Again, NOT advice... do your homework.
7. Sausages and meatballs-  often use wheat as a binder
8. Miso-- may be made from barley
9. deli meat-- Boars Head brand is gluten free, but the issue of  a shared slicer has arisen... best to go to the deli counter at a very slow time so your request for it to be cleaned can be accommodated
10. meds-- always look into what the fillers are!

More soon!

In keeping with better updates...

Here's a good resource, thanks to Jill!

I just found this search feature via someone's post on
FaceBook.  The data base has over 10,000 products listed.

Better updates....?!

Hello everyone,
Great meeting at the library the other night, with a lot of new faces! In some discussion, I'm realizing I email things out to the group which I find that are interesting, but don't post them here, where they'd hopefully do more for the greater good! I'll try to be better about that. I'll be going through my last sets of emails to see if there's anything helpful to post here.

For starters, I'll be looking into doing a Gluten 101 class, as some of our newer folks expressed a desire to talk more often and one group is never enough to get to it all. Stay tuned..

Second, I'm pasting a news blurb I just saw about a gluten free dating site. Part of me thinks it's funny, but part of me thinks it's a great idea!  You?!

More coming soon. Be well, everyone!

It's been said that "love is an attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty." For the singles of, love is an attempt to form a friendship inspired by not tolerating gluten. Launched at the end of August, the site provides a way to connect with people who avoid gluten by choice or necessity. Whether you're searching for romance and your first thought is "My ideal mate would NOT eat gluten" or you just want a meaningful friendship based on complaining about your digestive system, you can start a free membership and find that special someone who won't judge you for grilling the waitress about your dinner order on the first date