Monday, May 28, 2012

GIG Meeting on JULY 26

Hi Gang (re-posting an email just sent to our group),

Thanks to Debbie and Peggy for being part of a steering committee to give a little more plan and structure to our group. Still low key and casual, but we've got some ideas for topics for each group, and a rough plan for meetings. We'll still meet quarterly, and the hope was to have it the third Thurs. of July, Oct., Jan, and April. That avoids all major holiday months. However, first one didn't work out that way due to conflicts, and we're not sure about the next ones... SO-- for now, please do mark your calendars for a meeting on Thurs. July 26 at 6:30 PM. We'll meet again at Linda Armada's office in the Medical Arts Building behind NFRMC.

Linda Armada, MS, RD, LD/N, CDE has been a part of our group from the beginning, and has graciously offered to take her time and expertise to develop a presentation for us on managing vitamin and mineral deficiencies with Celiac Disease. I've offered snippets of what I've heard at various talks, but it would be helpful to many of us if we had one time to focus on this, and then have some questions/discussion. Many thanks to Linda!

The three of us on the steering committee will bring some appetizers. If you would like to bring something to share, please do, but we'll definitely have something small at least to munch. Please plan on letting me know if you plan to make it by at least July 20 so we can plan space, food, drinks, handouts, etc.

We also decided we'll keep trying for a social dinner in between our meetings, and we'll share the plan for what we decided at our next meeting.

We also decided we will let the local memberships go when they expire. Sunflower Health will give our members a 10% discount, but Mother Earth (now Earth Origins) has so many discount plans in place already that we agreed it seemed more trouble than it was worth to haggle for more. At this point our group has a little over $100 and for now, our meeting space does not cost us. If there is something we want to do down the road that depletes funds, we can always pass a hat!

We've got some interesting topics lined up and can discuss more at our next meeting. I really needed the structure, so thanks again to Debbie and Peggy, and to Linda for offering to put together a presentation for us, and thanks to all of you for being a part of this!

We will see about a dinner in June, perhaps? It's been a while. Stay tuned~
